6410 South Dante Avenue, Chicago, IL 60637
Phone: 773-324-1020      Fax: 773-359-0506

Fathers' Club



The Fathers’ Club is a collection of men who have ties to Mount Carmel either through current students or graduates. The primary objective of the Fathers’ Club is to assist Mount Carmel in ways which help the entire Mount Carmel community. Our goal is to involve as many Fathers/Guardians as possible.


The Executive Board consists of veteran Mount Carmel fathers who lead Fathers' Club activities for the school year. Contact the board to discuss how you can become involved with the MC Fathers' Club.

Tom Kwiatkowski President
Adrian Aguilar Vice President
Armando Gonzalez Treasurer
Matt Mckeon VP of Events
Nate Martin VP of Service
Richard Thornton VP of Security
Matt Mckeon VP of Security
Kevin McCluer VP of Concessions
Jeff Anderson VP of Membership
Noel Leyden VP of Merchandise
Russ Sosinski VP of Communications
Anuar Mendez Seargeant-at-Arms
Jason Brown Alumi Relations

Contact the Fathers' Club

Supporting Mount Carmel

As a support organization we stand ready to assist in many ways. Some examples can be found in our Matching Funds Program. This program assists many student organizations and clubs through a financial match. The club/team/organization raises funds and applies for a match once approved we match up to a certain dollar amount to help these student groups. To date over the three years of existence we have donated in excess of $15,000.00 in direct matching dollars. We have helped the following groups, Chess Club, Rugby Team, Math Club, Computer Club, Soccer Team, Brown Town, Carmel Broadcasting Network, Caravan Alley Players, Football, Wrestling, Soccer, Cheerleading and others.

Outside of direct monetary contributions we have also assisted many groups through our volunteer efforts, such as building and painting the stage for theater productions. In our Baseball/Soccer storage facility the Fathers Club installed industrial shelving used to organize the team’s equipment. In addition to the helping student clubs and groups we also provide security for numerous school activities such as Mothers Club Meetings, Mom Prom, Homecoming, Sporting Activities and Special Events. 

To accomplish many of the aforementioned items we rely on fundraising which comes in the form of Clothing Sales, Split the Pot collections, Fight Night and various other means to raise money. In addition to funding the Matching Program, we also help to contribute toward lowering school expenses in direct donation to the school’s general fund as well as funding annual contributions to the Capital Program.  At the beginning of each year we coordinate with the Soccer and Football programs to provide meals to current students/families as well as prospective students during our Brown and White Weekend. Last year we served three thousand meals.


Living with Zeal for God, for Life, for Learning