Class of 2029 Incoming Family Information
Next Steps
If registered, families are now able to access the “Resource Board” in the Parent Portal. The Resource Board will provide access to your Tuition Account, My Mealtime, Counseling and more.
- Transportation Registration
- Registration open through May 1
- Pick up and drop off routes will be communicated in July.
- Smart Tuition Account
- In June the first tuition payment is due to be accessed through the Resource Board. You may make manual payments towards your account if you wish to lower your monthly amount that will begin in June.
- Lunch - My Mealtime
- Beginning July 1, you may add dollars to your son’s My Mealtime account.
- A student ID is required to create a Mealtime account. Student ID number may be found in the Parent Portal/Contact Card.
Other important information:
Academic Readiness Program
- For students in the College Prep Academic Program and the McDermott Doyle Program. The program will run from July 14-17 and July 21-24 from 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m.
- Students who are required to attend will receive communication with more details.
Uniform Guidelines
- Uniform guidelines may be found in the Resource Board.
- You may purchase uniform items online or visit our Spirit Shop during open hours of operation.
- Online orders may be marked for pickup in the Spirit Store at no cost.
Bring Your Own Device Program
- Mount Carmel requires the following:
- Apple iPad (air, regular, or pro) with at least a 10.9” screen, case with a keyboard, and Apple Pencil. No less than 256GB of storage.
Class Schedules
- Class schedules will be made available on the Campus Portal in early July. An email will alert you when they are available.
- You may purchase your textbooks using your class schedule.
Purchase Textbooks
- On July 7, Mount Carmel’s online bookstore will open through EdTech Solutions to purchase your textbooks. The bookstore can be accessed through your Parent Portal’s Resource Board.
- More information will be provided when class schedules are released.
Summer Learning Opportunities
- Summer Learning Opportunities will be listed in the Resource Board by class by June 1.
- Please check to see if you have summer assignments required for any of your classes.
- Carmel Cruises - earn extra credit points for experiential learning during the summer. All students are invited to participate in Carmel Cruises. Guidelines are posted on the Summer Learning Opportunities board.
Mandatory Medical Records Due
- Must be submitted by July 1
- For a student to begin the 2025-2026 academic year and participate in any sport or activity throughout the year, the following must be completed.
- A Medical Template will be served to you via the Parent Portal. This template allows you to submit all pertinent medical data on your son.
- A physical medical examination must take place after August 2024 and before July 1, 2025.
- A dental examination must take place.
- The Medical, Dental, and Vision (for Indiana residents only) forms should be emailed to
- A form will be served to you via the Parent Portal for you to upload your son’s birth certificate.
- State of Illinois Physical Requirements:
- Incoming freshmen students must submit a physical examination dated within 12 months of the first day of school (August 18) with required immunizations at the time of registration.
Athletic Physicals
- Per IHSA rules, all athletes must have a current IHSA sports physical on file in advance of their season of play.
- Sports physicals are good for 13 months.
- All IHSA physicals need to be submitted to